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Healthy Eating through Life:

Useful links for additional support during pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Link to NHS Pregnancy and Breastfeeding


Link to BLISS leaflet on Looking After Yourself While Breastfeeding


Link to Department of Health "Off to the Best Start" leaflet


Link to National Breastfeeding Network Helpline


Healthy Eating for Children

Link to the BDA Food Fact Sheet - To help you ensure your child is eating the right foods, whatever their age......

British Dietetic Association  Healthy Eating for Children

 girl eating


Weaning your child

This leaflet is a guide for weaning your child and covers stages 1-4 


Vegetarian/VeganLink to BDA Food Fact Sheet for all ages


Milk free weaning - information and guidance for babies with Cow's Milk Protein Allergy


Vitamin D

Link to NHS website with information about Vitamin D


Link to BNF Toddler advice on portion sizes for 1- 4 year olds (pre-school)


Link to Sensory Play Toolkit - The fun way to help avoidant, picky or fussy eaters